INDRESS Summer 2024
Photographer / Artistic direction : Frédéric Guelaff
Cinematographer : Martin de Chabaneix
Designer : Wies Schulte
Right-hand designer : Maud Courault
Assistante : Rose Nelson
Photographer assistant : Marion Duchaussoy
Models : Cristina Perez and Demis Jajaja Sirou Bautista
Make up and hair artist : Louise Houdin
Stage manager : Antoine Le Bellec
Retouch : Martine Fabien
Graphic design : Aude Buttazzoni
A big thanks to RVZ, Emmanuelle Foisel, Isabelle Cordemans, Kris van Zeebroeck, Koen de Wael, Bob Verhelst
Shop / Office
74, rue Charlot
75003 Paris
+ 33 (0)1 42 41 37 94
instagram i_love_indress